The podcast for women about all the things that matter.


  • Surya Namaskar Poses

    Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) has 12 yoga poses. It is a great weight loss exercise and also improves blood circulation. It is considered to create a positive impact on our mental health. There are many versions of surya namaskar which can be a little bit different from each other, but you should stick to one…

  • Best Foods To Reduce Weight

    Having healthy food habits is something everyone wants to adopt but they can not since it’s very hard to remain consistent and stick to a vitamin rich, fiber rich and nutrients rich diet, which results in problems like obesity. Being obese has become a very serious problem in our society and even children are not…

  • Exercises For Belly Fat At Home

    We admit, losing weight is no piece of cake. Staying away from your favorite foods & drinks and exercising daily is something not everyone can do easily. It needs proper motivation and dedication. Exercises For Belly Fat At Home. But with the proper guidance on exercising habits and food habits, you can plan your journey…

The Hosts

Samantha and Olivia are both writers and activists.

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